State Efforts to Treat 1 Million Africans of C - X7
The Ministry of Health and Population is seeking to transfer the experience of the 100 million health initiative to African siblings in order to benefit from it in the treatment of one million African citizens of the C virus.Information on the mechanisms of implementation of a project to treat one million Africans of C virus:
Dispatch a medical team to South Sudan to start implementing treatment programs.
2 - Opening of the first unit viral hepatitis was equipped with all the requirements and medical equipment and drugs necessary for the treatment of C virus.
3 - Equipping the Egyptian clinic with "Juba" under the slogan "Long live Egypt Africa".
4. The medical team includes a liver and digestive consultant, a clinical pharmacist and a medical analysis consultant.
5 - The Egyptian medical team will train the Sudanese side to conduct the survey on hepatitis viruses, evaluate the discoverer of their infection and spend treatment for the infected cases suitable for treatment.
6. The training will include doctors, pharmacists and laboratory officials.
7- Doses of "C virus" were sent with the Egyptian medical team to start treatment.