FEATURED: Over 9,000 graduate at University of Rwanda
FEATURED: Over 9,000 graduate at University of Rwanda
Prof Philipp Cotton, the University Vice-Chancelllor (C) celebrates with graduands during the graduation ceremony

Thousands of graduates from the University of Rwanda and their families on Friday gathered for the graduation ceremony held at Huye Stadium in Huye District, Southern Province.

The university was holding the graduation for the sixth time after the merger of several public universities in 2014.

A total of 9,382 students graduated from the University’s six colleges, including 3 488 females and 5 894 males.

The College of Business and Economics (CBE) registered the highest number of graduates (2,606) while the College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS) had the lowest number of graduates (638).

Of the graduates, 7,795 completed bachelor’s degree programmes, 373 completed Master’s Degree programmes while one graduated with a PhD degree.

The number of graduates has increased from 7,050 who graduated last year.

Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente, who presided over the graduation ceremony, congratulated the university administration, graduands and their relatives for the achievement.

“I congratulate our students and thank all those who have contributed to their successful academic journey,” he said. “Credit also goes to the University leadership, academic and support staff as well as partners who have continued to provide a conducive learning environment to our students. As a country, we have set education as key to development.”

Ngirente hailed the innovations introduced by the university in teaching, learning, and research, encouraging it leadership to sustain investments in the same direction


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