Cheer conventions and silent childhood
Cheer conventions and silent childhood
Cheer conventions and silent childhood

The conference carries an international slogan, based on: (We believe in the right of children to
life in spite of everything).
We look forward to the future through a system of goals and recommendations that call for
lighting the paths towards protecting, educating, educating, children’s health and raising the
capacities of children's organizations and bodies in all countries of the world.
Under the auspices of the American International Federation for Education and under the
supervision and organization of the American Group for Training, Conferences and
Consultations, the activities of the International Conference on Children’s Affairs and the
international, global, Arab and regional bodies and organizations that work, monitor and support
children will start at exactly 6:00 in the evening until nine in the evening Tunis time on the first of
September until the fourth of September. Entitled: "Cheer conventions nd a Silent Childhood"
It is an enhancement of the role and reality of the care, services and protection that the bodies
and organizations in our world do for all children in conflict areas and supervisors, and work to
save children in the third world, Africa, Latin America, and in conflict areas and social and
political movements in the Middle East, especially in Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Syria and other
countries. .
The conference witnesses, with the support and supervision of the President of the American
Group for Training, Consulting and Training Prof. Dr. Tamara Omar Al-Qulaghassi, who
confirmed a wide and good international participation that no conference has ever witnessed in
the region, especially in light of the repercussions of the Corona pandemic on children and the
family and the disintegration of small societies as a result of loss of care And protection,
restaurants, food and medicine.
Dr. Tamara Al-Qulaghassi indicated the confirmation of important participation such as: the
United Nations, (ESCWA), the German American Organization for Social Development and
Peace, the Education Organization, the French-Tunisian Organization for Education and the
Family, the Paris branch, the Arab Family Organization, several international and international
organizations, the most prominent experts and important figures through the Zoom program
platform for the period.
From September 1 to September 4, 2020
Regarding the themes and the sessions, the sources of the American group said that the
conference includes 4 sessions:
The first session: the mandatory nature of agreements and their ratification
Second session: The international community and the reality of childhood
Session Three: Childhood and Crises
Fourth session: Childhood in Arab constitutions and laws.Conference preamble.

the President of the American Group Dr. Tamara Omar said that the preamble of the
conference is based on what characterized the end of the twentieth century with the issuance of
the International Convention on the Rights of the Child on November 20, 1989, which formed
the international rule and legislative system for the childhood sector, and the United Nations
General Assembly approved the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was widely
considered as a prominent achievement for human rights And the International Convention on
the Rights of the Child of a mandatory nature was adopted, which included all articles and texts
issued in the interest of the child. The convention guarantees the rights and principles declared
to the child to his parents, society, states and international organizations. The committee's
work, how to join it, the principle of its enforcement, amendment, and reservations that it must
withdraw from it.
Then, in September 1990, the International Child Survival and Protection Declaration and the
Action Plan emanating from it were issued.
The importance of the conference lies regionally, and internationally , from the generous and
influential sponsorship of the American Federation for International Education and the
organization of the American Group for conferences, consultations and training
Our date, from 1 to 4 September 2020, is to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the United
Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child that comes into force during and after the
COVID-19 pandemic.
We celebrate a group of elite international personalities, the Queen, princes and senior
ambassadors of United Nations organizations and bodies, and in cooperation with political
leaders, ambassadors, celebrities, international organizations, youth advocates, teachers, social
service providers, athletes, companies and civil society organizations to describe and discuss
children's issues, address them and take action on them all over the world and North Africa and
the Middle East. "
We believe in this conference in the rights of children to a decent life, protection, health,
recreation, education and protection from conflicts. This international legislative system for
childhood enabled children to secure guarantees for their rights and their care and to take
appropriate measures to protect them from exploitation in all its forms, but despite the high
number of countries ratifying the International Convention on the Rights of the Child. Violations
still exist in some countries. .
Conference plan
1 - Shedding light on the status of childhood in the world and the extent of violations of
children's rights concluded in the conventions that most countries of the world have ratified.

2 - The position of the international community and its plans to consider and improve the
conditions of children
3 - The opinion of the competent media in armed conflicts.
4- To what extent the agreements affect the reality of children in the world?
It is expected, officially, the participation of 18 ambassadors and 35 Academics and experts
... The conference carries an international slogan, based on: (We believe in the right of children
to life in spite of everything).
We look forward to the future through a set of goals and recommendations that call for lighting
paths towards protection, education and health of children and raising the capacities of
children's organizations and bodies in all the countries around the world.


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